COSEE-TEK's Summer 2011 teacher technology experience (TTE) entitled "Glide with the Tide" focused on the use of ocean gliders to conduct CTD, dissolved oxygen, and light transmittance profiles in Long Island Sound. These videos give a brief glimpse into the hands-on experience for high school science teachers working with COSEE-TEK.
Participants of the "Glide with the Tide" Teacher Technology Experience (TTE) watch and learn about University of Connecticut's "FRANK" glider in test tank before deploying the vehicle in Long Island Sound.
Participants of the "Glide with the Tide" Teacher Technology Experience (TTE) launch a conductivity, temperature, depth (CTD) sensor to collect ocean profile data in Long Island Sound.
Participants of the "Glide with the Tide" Teacher Technology Experience (TTE) launch University of Connecticut's "FRANK" glider to collect ocean profile data in Long Island Sound.
University of Connecticut's "FRANK" glider begins descent to collect ocean profile data in Long Island Sound.
The Courtship of EVA and BOB
COSEE-TEK's Summer 2011 teacher technology experience (TTE) entitled "The Courtship of EVA and BOB" focused on the use of basic observation buoys (BOBs), passive sampling, and biological settling plates to study environmental contaminants and marine invertebrate recruitment patterns in Long Island Sound. This video clip gives a brief glimpse into the hands-on experience for high school science teachers working with COSEE-TEK.
High school science teachers work to build a basic observation buoy (BOB), a simple, cost-effective platform for long term ocean data sensors.